Your todo list, the OkiOki feeling in numbers

OkiOki is here to relieve you from your financial administration. She keeps the overview so you can keep your administration out of your head and leave it over to her. But sometimes she does need your help and then she’ll come back to you via your todo list.

Je OkiOki takenlijstje

So the only thing you need to do is keep an eye on your todo list. And even then she helps you by sending you a weekly reminder email. Don’t worry, you decide when during the week you would like to receive that email. And if there’s a really urgent todo for you, e.g. a payment, then she’ll send you a separate message. So you’ll never be late with your payments.

Je wekelijkse OkiOki herinneringsemail

OkiOKi needs your help in 4 occasions:

Invoices to be paid

If OkiOki finds an invoice that you have not yet paid, she will give you the opportunity to set a payment reminder via your to-do list. On the due date of the payment reminder, she puts the invoice again at the top of your list and you will receive a reminder email. It's a matter of never being late and avoiding unnecessary fines.

Btw, in the future you will also be able to make your payments from within OkiOki via the linked bank accounts.

Een betalingsherinnering zetten voor nog te betalen facturen

Missing documents

OkiOki has her own clever ways to automatically collect as many invoices as possible. From your mailbox or cloud storage, but also via direct integration with your suppliers, such as your social secretariat or the supplier of your fuel card. However, not all invoices reach you in this way today. You will probably still receive paper invoices. And also think of your restaurant receipts and parking tickets. Those you will still have to scan and upload to OkiOki yourself.

Because OkiOki monitors your bank transactions and thus knows which documents you should have in your administration, she will put the transactions without accompanying document on your to-do list. Smart, isn't it?

Tip: If you want to get rid of your paper invoices, don't be shy about asking your suppliers for digital invoices. Usually they have them available and it is no problem for them to provide them to you. In addition, we have some how-to YouTube videos ready for you (Dutch & French only) in which we explain how you can still receive the invoices from the most important suppliers in your mailbox.

Een ontbrekend document uploaden of fotograferen

Sometimes it can also happen that a certain bank transaction does not require a document. For example, if you made a personal expense with your business bank account, then your records don't need a document here. But your accountant must know that it is a personal expense. And you can indicate that conveniently via OkiOki.

Other expenses without a document include bank charges, interest, cash withdrawals or deposits. OkiOki filters these out as much as possible for you. If she does overlook one, you can always tell her that it is such a type of transaction.

Persoonlijke uitgaven die je met je zakelijke bankrekening hebt betaald, markeer je als ‘Persoonlijke uitgave’. Bankkosten of -intresten en geldopnames of -stortingen die OkiOki over het hoofd heeft gezien, kan je ook markeren.

Payments with cash or private money

You can simply mark a business expense paid with private money (cash or via your personal current account) as paid with 'private money'. Your accountant will then transfer this document to your current account.

You mark a business expense paid with cash (that you have withdrawn from your business account or that you have received from customers) as paid with 'Cash'.

If you pay for an expense with cash or via your personal current account, OkiOki (or your accountant) will find the document but never a transaction. You can also easily let your accountant know via OkiOki. That's why she puts these documents on your to-do list.

Uitgaven betaald met privé geld of cash zal OkiOki nooit kunnen terugvinden tussen je banktransacties. Aan jou dus om dit even aan te geven.

Non-financial documents

You can also archive documents that are not invoices or receipts in OkiOki. Think of contracts, annual reports, ... Because OkiOki cannot match them with a transaction, she also puts them on your to-do list. You mark them as 'Not an invoice or receipt'.

Sommige documenten zoals attesten moeten ook naar je accountant of wil je gewoon in OkiOki bewaren. OkiOki haalt ze van je takenlijstje en archiveert ze. Voeg een tag toe om ze later makkelijk terug te vinden.

You see, OkiOki can automate a lot. But to get your administration completely up to date, she, just like your accountant, sometimes needs information from you. And hence your to-do list. If your list is set to 0, your administration is completely up-to-date. And that’s what we call the OkiOki feeling.

Eenmaal je takenlijst op nul, dan weet je dat je administratie helemaal op orde is. En dat noemen we het OkiOki gevoel.

Try OkiOki for free

100% in order with the mandatory e-invoicing
Create & send quotes and e-invoices
Receive e-invoices
All in voices automatically to your accountant
Yes, an all-in e-invoicing package
Until 1/1/2026
excl. VAT
Your complete financial administration 100% in order
Everything included in Start +
Automatically collect invoices via your mailbox and portals
Documenten automatisch verzamelen
OkiOki scant automatisch je mailbox op facturen en centraliseert deze in één overzichtelijk platform. Dit betekent dat je nooit meer facturen handmatig hoeft te zoeken of manueel moet uploaden.
Automatically track the payment status
Betaalstatus opvolgen
OkiOki kan eenvoudig de betaalstatus van al je documenten controleren. Zo weet je op elk moment wat je ontvangt en wat er buitengaat.
Insight into your cash flow
And so many more smart features to automate your administration
1 bank account
1 mail box
1 cloud folder
€ 0.50/extra document
excl. VAT
2 bank account
2 mail boxes
2 cloud folders
€ 0.30/extra document
excl. VAT
3 bank account
3 mail boxes
3 cloud-folders
€ 0.20/extra document
excl. BTW

Ask us for our pricing model for accountancies

Frequently asked questions about the todo list

What does OkiOki mean? Where does the name come from?

OkiOki is a Maori word meaning 'Feeling relaxed'. And that's how we would like every entrepreneur to feel about his financial administration. Hence, our saying 'I'm feeling OkiOki today'.

Does OkiOki help me save money?

Yes. OkiOki keeps track of invoices you haven't paid yet or that haven't been paid by your clients. In doing so, fines for late payments will be avoided and you will always be on time for payments. OkiOki will help you and your accountant get your tax submission in on time avoiding costly fines from the tax authority as well. On top of that, OkiOki is also a great time saver and we all know that time is money.  Personal time spent on administration instead of on your personal life is even more valuable.

What happens if OkiOki cannot match a document with a transaction?

Unmatched documents and transactions are put on your to-do list. There are several reasons why a match might not be possible and why OkiOki will need your help.

A transaction is missing a document when:

  • You received it on paper and haven't scanned it yet. Restaurant receipts or parking ticket are a good example here. And if you still receive invoices on paper, then it might be time to ask your supplier to send them by email. Btw, our how-to videos on YouTube might be able to help you make sure you receive your invoice in your mailbox.
  • The expense is not related to your business and you don't need the invoice or receipt in your administration. In that you case you need to let OkiOki now that the corresponding transaction was a private expense. Your accountant will book this transaction on your drawings account.
  • The transaction does not require a document, e.g. bank costs/interest or a cash withdrawal/deposit. OkiOki will filter those out as much as possible but in case she couldn't, you just need to let her know that it's this kind of transaction.

A document is missing a transaction when:

  • The invoice is not paid yet. OkiOki will allow you to set a payment reminder. Customers of the Belgian banks Belfius, KBC, ING and BNPPF can now also pay their purchase invoices in OkiOki by simply scanning the QR code.
  • The expense is not paid through your business bank account. In case you have paid it with private money (cash or through a personal bank account), you'll mark it as 'Paid with private money' and your accountant will book this expense on your drawings account.
  • The expense is paid with cash coming from your business account; cash you have withdrawn from the bank or that you have received from clients. In that case OkiOki will also not be able to find a transaction and you will have to let OkiOki know that is was paid with cash.
  • The document is not an invoice or receipt but still, you would like to keep and archive that document in your financial administration. Think about contracts, (personal) tax documents... Just mark them as "No invoice or receipt".

How do I handle partial payments?

Booking partial payments does not happen automatically. The risk of making a mistake that plays to the disadvantage of our users is too high.

What you can do is the following:

1. You have received/sent an invoice for an amount of 1000 euros. This is in your to-do list in OkiOki (no payment has been found that matches with the invoice).

2. You have paid a part of it (e.g. advance payment) for 400 euros. That transaction is also in your to-do list (because no document was found that matches that amount).

3. You can manually link the two:

  • Go to the transaction
  • Choose "To the booking" on the shortcut menu
  • On the detail choose the "+" icon under "Documents"
  • Select there from the list the invoice of 1000 euros
  • Link it to the transaction.

4. You will now come back to the transaction detail (booking screen) and you will see that the document and the transaction are linked.

Now you have two options: Either you want the document to disappear from your to-do list for the time being (then you have to snooze it) or you keep the document with the incomplete transaction on your to-do list.

1. If on the booking screen you choose: "Provisionally OK" (= Keep (but not yet Done!)) then the 'Incomplete' match is on your to-do list and you can complete it with the remaining amount when it is paid.

2. If you know when the second transaction is coming (e.g. in two weeks) then you can select "Snooze" on the detail screen at the top right, set the period in which this document (+transaction) may be kept from your to-do list. Confirm that date and then press "Temporarily OK" and then that document will be off your to-do list for a while.

Can I manually add documents to OkiOki?

Yes you can. There are three ways to do so:

  • You take a picture with the OkiOki app.
  • You upload an existing document (picture/pdf) from your phone or desktop computer.
  • You send a document to your personal OkiOki email address.

How does OkiOki handle the drawings account?

Private expenses paid with business money or business expenses paid with private money can be marked as such within OkiOki. This is all your accountant needs to know in order to book them on your drawings account. By the way, in OkiOki you can always leave a comment for your accountant if you would like to give them some extra information.

What should I do with expense documents that are business related but which I have paid with private money?

In case you have paid a business expense with private money (cash or from a personal bank account) OkiOki will never be able to trace that transaction. In that case you mark it as 'Paid with private money' and your accountant will book this expense on your drawings account.