OkiOki, the digital assistant that automates your financial paperwork.

Good for you and your business ;-)
30-day free trial
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The end of the quarter always comes at the wrong moment.
Invoices in my mailbox, in Doccle, on the portal of my supplier … and on paper … what a mess.
I hate my financial paperwork.
If you recognize yourself in one of the above situations, then OkiOki is here to help you out.

Try OkiOki for free

100% in order with the mandatory e-invoicing
Create & send quotes and e-invoices
Receive e-invoices
All in voices automatically to your accountant
Yes, an all-in e-invoicing package
Until 1/1/2026
excl. VAT
Your complete financial administration 100% in order
Everything included in Start +
Automatically collect invoices via your mailbox and portals
Documenten automatisch verzamelen
OkiOki scant automatisch je mailbox op facturen en centraliseert deze in één overzichtelijk platform. Dit betekent dat je nooit meer facturen handmatig hoeft te zoeken of manueel moet uploaden.
Automatically track the payment status
Betaalstatus opvolgen
OkiOki kan eenvoudig de betaalstatus van al je documenten controleren. Zo weet je op elk moment wat je ontvangt en wat er buitengaat.
Insight into your cash flow
And so many more smart features to automate your administration
1 bank account
1 mail box
1 cloud folder
€ 0.50/extra document
excl. VAT
2 bank account
2 mail boxes
2 cloud folders
€ 0.30/extra document
excl. VAT
3 bank account
3 mail boxes
3 cloud-folders
€ 0.20/extra document
excl. BTW

Ask us for our pricing model for accountancies

Start or Smart?
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Key differences

Receive e-invoices via Peppol
More info
Receive e-invoices via Peppol
More info
Send e-invoices via Peppol
More info
Send e-invoices via Peppol
More info
Send invoices via email
More info
Send invoices via email
More info
Collect invoices & receipts from your mailbox
More info
Collect invoices & receipts from your mailbox
More info
Retrieve invoices from supplier portals
More info
Retrieve invoices from supplier portals
More info
Manually add invoices & receipts
More info
Manually add invoices & receipts
More info
Connections with your bank accounts and credit cards
More info
Connections with your bank accounts and credit cards
More info
Automatically monitor invoice payment status
More info
Automatically monitor invoice payment status
More info
Real-time cash flow overview
More info
Real-time cash flow overview
More info
Identify missing invoices & receipts
More info
Identify missing invoices & receipts
More info
Compare all features >

You struggle with finding all your invoices?
Let OkiOki do the job.

OkiOki crawls your e-mail in search for invoices and receipts. But she not only captures attached invoices. She converts e-mail receipts into PDFs, tracks download links in the e-mail and browses your supplier portals to get you the invoice.

And of course, OkiOki integrates with your cloud storage, allows you to snap photos of paper copies and offers you a personal OkiOki email address for easy forwarding of invoices.

Btw, OkiOki keeps every document safely stored and optionally syncs it back to your own cloud storage.

You lose money every quarter because of lost documents or late payments?
OkiOki is on top of things.

OkiOki integrates with your bank account. Because your bank transactions are the financial heartbeat of your business. And by keeping track of your transactions (including your credit card statements) and matching them with your invoices and receipts, OkiOki knows if you’re missing a document or if an invoice if not paid yet.

Together with OkiOki you put an end to losing recoverable taxes and paying fines for late payments.

You rather spend the last Sunday of the quarter with your family than cleaning up your administration?
OkiOki keeps you on track, day by day.

OkiOKi is working for you day and night. Only when she really needs your help, she’ll come back to you. She preps you handy todo lists. A great time spend when waiting in the checkout line ;-) Your administration on track day by day, goodbye to the quarterly hassle.

And each time you get your todo list down to zero, you will enjoy the OkiOki feeling.

Are you chased by your accountant for documents and bank statements?
OkiOki keeps your accountant in the loop.

OkiOki sends your documents in real-time to your accountant and integrates with the bookkeeping software. This way the accountant can spread the workload in prepping your tax submission. Less time spent on administration and more on strategic advice for your business.

What others are saying

My first hands-on experience with OkiOki was very positive. The application checks my bank accounts, my incoming invoices in the mail or Google Drive and gives me an overview of what is missing. OkiOki is saving me hours of administrative work!
Hans Palmers, Owner Mundo Digitalis
As an entrepreneur you need to know how your business is doing. But time is money. And every so many weeks cleaning out my paperwork ... I'd rather spend that time on my clients and my team. That time well spent creates revenue and growth!
Kristel De Prins, managing partnerTimesmore, board member at Artemis and mentor Markant vzw, SterkeOnderneemsters

Let's wrap up

7,99 /m
excl. VAT
Start for free for 30 days
16,99 /m
excl. VAT
Start for free for 30 days
39,99 /m
excl. VAT
Start for free for 30 days
Bank accounts to connect
Email accounts to connect
Cloud storage accounts to connect
Number of documents per month
Price per extra document
Processing your documents
Capturing attached invoices
Tracking download links in the email
Downloading invoices from supplier portals
Saving email receipts
OCR and data recognition
Uploading digital documents
Scanning of paper documents
Online archive of all your documents
(Auto)tagging and commenting documents
Processing your transactions
Automatic retrieval of your bank transactions
Converting credit card statements to individual transactions
Monthly cashflow overview across different bank accounts
OCR and data recognition
(Auto)tagging and commenting transactions
Follow-up of your administration
Automatic matching of documents and transactions
Automated todo lists and reminders
Payment reminders for incoming invoices
Overview of unpaid outgoing invoices
Leaving comments for your accountant
Auto-sending of documents to your accountant
Integration with the accountancy software
And ... the relaxed OkiOki feeling
7,99 /m
excl. VAT
Start for free for 30 days
16,99 /m
excl. VAT
Start for free for 30 days
39,99 /m
excl. VAT
Start for free for 30 days

Frequently asked questions

What does OkiOki mean? Where does the name come from?

OkiOki is a Maori word meaning 'Feeling relaxed'. And that's how we would like every entrepreneur to feel about his financial administration. Hence, our saying 'I'm feeling OkiOki today'.

Does OkiOki help me save money?

Yes. OkiOki keeps track of invoices you haven't paid yet or that haven't been paid by your clients. In doing so, fines for late payments will be avoided and you will always be on time for payments. OkiOki will help you and your accountant get your tax submission in on time avoiding costly fines from the tax authority as well. On top of that, OkiOki is also a great time saver and we all know that time is money.  Personal time spent on administration instead of on your personal life is even more valuable.

With which accountancy software does OkiOki integrate?

OkiOki is compatible with any accountancy software or with any way of working of your accountant as long as they offer you an accountancy software email address or FTP access. Adsolut, Clearfacts, Exact Online, Expert/M, Horus, Octopus, Sage Bob, Winbooks and Yuki are just some of the compatible accountancy tools. And if they still like to work on paper, then OkiOki allows you to download your documents and send them to your accountant.

Will OkiOki replace my accounting software?

Nope, OkiOki doesn't do accounting. We would rather call it pre-pre-accounting. Because she is, first and foremost, an assistant for you as an entrepreneur to keep your administration on track. And she takes away the hassle of prepping everything for your accountant. OkiOki does help your accountant to keep your bookkeeping up-to-date and the better your books are on-track, the better your accountant can advise you.

Can I use OkiOki for my personal financial administration?

No, because OkiOki requires a VAT number at registration.

Does OkiOki also submit my quarterly/monthly taxes?

No, OkiOki does not do your tax submission, but she does help you to get your documents to your accountant in time.

Can I send an invoice with OkiOki?

Yes, in OkiOki you cannot only see sales invoices that you have added yourself or that OkiOki has found for you. You can also create and send your own invoices in OkiOki. This can be done in a few simple steps:

1. Go to your menu, click on "Documents" and then on "Sales Invoices".

2. On this page, click "New"

3. Then enter some basic information and indicate whether it is an invoice or credit note.

4. Then enter the details of your customer.

5. After that, list what you are going to invoice. OkiOki automatically calculates the totals for you based on a standard VAT rate.

6. As a final step, check your payment information.

Afterwards, OkiOki will send you a preview of your invoice. That way you can be sure that it is 100% correct. And then all that's left for you to do is to send your invoice. The look & feel of your invoice can be personalised with your own logo and colors.

Furthermore, we provide a handy payment strip on each invoice containing all payment information and a QR code, making it very easy for your customers to pay your invoice. Once sent, OkiOki will of course monitor the payment status for you and remind you via your to-do list if you have any late payers.

Can I send payment reminders to my clients?

At the moment, you cannot send automatic payment reminders for invoices in OkiOki. However, since you can create and send invoices yourself in OkiOki, and OkiOki also has access to your current outgoing invoices, she can also keep you updated on the payment status of invoices. Because for every unpaid invoice, there will be a missing transaction and OkiOki will follow up on these for you and add them to your to-do list.

By the way, there are multiple ways to get you outgoing invoices in OkiOki today:

  • In OkiOki you can create and send invoices in a few easy steps. Moreover, we provide a handy payment strip on each invoice containing all payment information and a QR code. This way, your customers can pay your invoice very easily.
  • Send them to your clients via your email address linked to OkiOki and they will be picked up automatically.
  • Send them via your favourite invoicing tool and put your linked email address in BCC and OkiOki will also pick them up.
  • If you store them already somewhere on your cloud storage, then link that cloud storage folder with OkiOki and again, OkiOki will fetch them there.
  • You can always upload them into OkiOki yourself, but hey, who wants to do that manually if OkiOki can automate it for you.

Can I make a payment with OkiOki?

Customers of Belfius, KBC, ING and BNPPF can now also pay their purchase invoices in OkiOki by simply scanning the QR code. In the coming months, we will expand our payment functionality with SEPA payment files. In the future, OkiOki will also allow you to make payments directly from accounts you have linked to OkiOki.

Can I see which payments are overdue?

Yes. Because OkiOki follows up on your transactions, she knows when an invoice is paid or not. Both incoming and outgoing invoices. This way you can avoid fines for late payments. And you know exactly which clients still have to pay you.

How does OkiOki handle the drawings account?

Private expenses paid with business money or business expenses paid with private money can be marked as such within OkiOki. This is all your accountant needs to know in order to book them on your drawings account. By the way, in OkiOki you can always leave a comment for your accountant if you would like to give them some extra information.

Configuring OkiOki for your mobile phone