Your credit card expenses are not shown in your bank transactions overview. Only the monthly settlement is. The settlement correspond with the total amount on your credit card statement. This makes it hard for you and your accountant to find the matching documents for these expenses. You need to manually walk through your statement and match line byline the ‘transactions’ with a document, you have or have not found yet. Pfff.
OkiOki has her own unique solution for this problem. The moment you add your credit card statement to OkiOki, she will read all expense details and translate them to individual transactions.
This way you have a handy overview of all your expense transactions. A service that the banks often don’t offer yet.
But on top that, OkiOki will be able to search for all documents related to these expenses. And you and your accountant can rest assure that every transaction is matched with the corresponding document.
Bank accounts & cards’ section. Now you cannot only consult your regular bank accounts but also your credit card ‘account’.
In a graph your monthly expense rhythm is visualised. With underneath an overview of all your credit card statements for that card. Per credit card statement OkiOki collects for you the individual credit card transactions, the matching documents and the settlement transaction.
Handy, not?
Today, OkiOki can recognise the Master Card and Visa credit card statements of the Bank Card Company (BCC).
OkiOki also recognizes prepaid credit card statements. Instead of monthly settlement transactions you only have the transactions to top up your card. You can’t link these transactions yet to your prepaid credit card statement. You can however easily keep them out of your to-do list by using an automation rule. Or you can just ‘Complete’ them by adding a comment or tag.
To add your credit card statement to OkiOki, follow these steps:
Important: If you receive your statement on paper, make sure you get a good quality scan. The reading of the different lines requires that the document is perfectly straight on the scan. Also make sure that you scan all pages of your statement for the most correct result.
In that case you will probably receive one statement with an overview for each card. And you will only find one settlement transaction on your bank account. We advise you to add both overviews separately to OkiOki, because then she will recognize both cards individually and she will create an overview per credit card. You can link your monthly settlement transaction to one of the overviews.
OkiOki has built in logic to avoid duplicate invoices as much as possible.
OkiOki distinguishes two types of duplicates.